Reporting on inactive AD user accounts

In the second quick article following my reporting requirement this time is to report on the enabled user accounts that have not logged in in the past X days. Again a quick Google came across the following article on WindowsITPro (Use Get-ADUser to Find Inactive AD Users)

I took the Search-ADAccount cmdlet and created some filters to exclude disabled accounts as well as enable a parameter to be passed with the script to specify the maximum age, in days, of a user account (default is 90 days)

Save the below script as Get-InactiveAccounts.ps1

    [int]$InactiveDays = 90
#Configure Output File
$myDir = Split-Path -Parent $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path
$timestamp = Get-Date -UFormat %Y%m%d-%H%M
$random = -join(48..57+65..90+97..122 | ForEach-Object {[char]$_} | Get-Random -Count 6)
$reportfile = "$mydir\InactiveAccounts-$timestamp-$random.csv"
Import-Module ActiveDirectory

Search-ADAccount -UsersOnly -AccountInactive -TimeSpan "$InactiveDays" | `
Get-ADUser -Properties Name, sAMAccountName, givenName, sn, userAccountControl,lastlogondate | `
Where {($_.userAccountControl -band 2) -eq $False} | Select Name, sAMAccountName, givenName, sn,LastLogonDate | `
Export-Csv $reportfile -NoTypeInformation

Write-Host -ForegroundColor White "Report written to $reportfile in current path."
Get-Item $reportfile

To execute the script run .\Get-InactiveAccounts.ps1 to report on accounts older than 90 days or use the InactiveDays parameter to specify the age of accounts to report (eg .\Get-InactiveAccounts.ps1 -InactiveDays 180)

Reporting on AD users last password change

As part of some recent work to assist a client with reporting on their active users and the dates those users last changed their passwords I evolved a script written by Carl Gray here (PowerShell: Get-ADUser to retrieve password last set and expiry information) to generate a short PowerShell script that will report the enabled Active Directory users and the date that they last set their password.

Copy the code below and save on your server as Get-PasswordLastChange.ps1 and then run from the command line. Script will produce a CSV file and save it in the same directory as the script

#Configure Output File
$myDir = Split-Path -Parent $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path
$timestamp = Get-Date -UFormat %Y%m%d-%H%M
$random = -join(48..57+65..90+97..122 | ForEach-Object {[char]$_} | Get-Random -Count 6)
$reportfile = "$mydir\PasswordLastSet-$timestamp-$random.csv"
Import-Module ActiveDirectory

Get-ADUser -filter * -properties passwordlastset, passwordneverexpires | `
Where {($_.userAccountControl -band 2) -eq $False} | `
sort-object name | `
select-object Name, passwordlastset, passwordneverexpires | `
Export-csv -path $reportfile -NoTypeInformation

Write-Host -ForegroundColor White "Report written to $reportfile in current path."
Get-Item $reportfile