Nagios/Opsview: Check Symantec AV Definitions

This morning whilst deploying a modified version of the Symantec Anti-Virus check from I noticed that on my 64-bit hosts that the check was not returning the correct data and instead of the expected output I was receiving the following error code:

check_av.vbs(51, 1) Microsoft VBScript runtime error: Type mismatch: 'strValue'

Initially I thought this could be a change due to the new installs being Symantec Endpoint Protection compared to the previous times I had implemented this using Symantec Anti-Virus 10.x but the SEP installs on the 32-bit systems were working fine however the 64-bit versions were not.

A quick look in the registry showed me that the value that is read by the script is not there on the 64-bit version and has been moved to another location (HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREWow6432NodeSymantecSharedDefsDefWatch). I sat down with the script and quickly wrote in some extra code that would allow me to change the search path depending on the Operating System Architecture. I also added in some more error checking so if the key didnt exist then rather than exiting with an OK status it returns an UNKNOWN status and a relevant error message.

As I use NSClient++ to enable me to monitor my Windows servers I simply save the script to the NSClient++scripts folder and add the following line into my NSCI.ini under [NRPE Handlers]

check_av=cscript.exe //NoLogo scriptscheck_av.vbs /W:$ARG1$ /c:$ARG2$

Then from within Nagios or Opsview define the command for check_nrpe

check_nrpe -H $HOSTADDRESS$ -c check_av -a 2 3

The full script is listed below and is also available on Monitoring Exchange (link):

' Script: check_av.vbs
' Author: Matt White
' Version: 1.1
' Date: 01-03-2010
' Details: Check the current definitions for Symantec AntiVirus are within acceptable bounds
' Usage: cscript /nologo check_av.vbs -w:<days> -c:<days>

' Define Constants for the script exiting
Const intOK = 0
Const intWarning = 1
Const intCritical = 2
Const intUnknown = 3

' Create required objects
Set ObjShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
Set ObjProcess = ObjShell.Environment("Process")

const HKEY_CURRENT_USER = &H80000001
const HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE = &H80000002

Dim strKeyPath, strSymantecVer
Dim intWarnLevel, intCritLevel, intYear, intMonth , intDay, intVer_Major, intDateDifference
Dim year, Month , Day, Ver_Major
Dim arrValue

' Parse Arguments to find Warning and Critical Levels
If Wscript.Arguments.Named.Exists("w") Then
intWarnLevel = Cint(Wscript.Arguments.Named("w"))
intWarnLevel = 2
End If

If Wscript.Arguments.Named.Exists("c") Then
intCritLevel = Cint(Wscript.Arguments.Named("c"))
intCritLevel = 4
End If

' Determine CPU architecture for correct location of the registry key
If InStr(1, strCPUArch, "x86") > 0 Then
strKeyPath = "SOFTWARESymantecSharedDefsDefWatch"
ElseIf InStr(1, strCPUArch, "64") > 0 Then
strKeyPath = "SOFTWAREWow6432NodeSymantecSharedDefsDefWatch"
End If

' Query Registry using WMI to obtain the definition value
Set oReg=GetObject("winmgmts:{impersonationLevel=impersonate}!\.rootdefault:StdRegProv")
oReg.GetBinaryValue HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE,strKeyPath,"DefVersion",arrValue

' If the query doesnt return an array Quit - Unknown
If isArray(arrValue) = vbFalse Then
Wscript.Echo "UNKNOWN - Unable to read Definitions from the Registry"
End If

' Generate output from the registry value
intYear = CLng("&H" & hex(arrValue(1)) & hex(arrValue(0)))
intMonth = CLng("&H" & hex(arrValue(3)) & hex(arrValue(2)))
intDay = CLng("&H" & hex(arrValue(7)) & hex(arrValue(6)))
intVer_Major = CLng("&H" & hex(arrValue(17)) & hex(arrValue(16)))
strSymantecVer= intYear & "-" & intMonth & "-" & intDay & " rev. " & intVer_Major
intDateDifference = DateDiff("d", intYear & "/" & intMonth & "/" & intDay, Date)

' Output current version and definition age as Performance data
Wscript.Echo("Current Definitions: " & strSymantecVer & " Which are " & intDateDifference & " days old" & "|age=" & intDateDifference)

If intDateDifference > intCritLevel Then
ElseIf intDateDifference > intWarnLevel Then
ElseIf intDateDifference <= intWarnLevel Then
End If

One thought on “Nagios/Opsview: Check Symantec AV Definitions

  1. I havent tested the script on a 2008R2 server yet but it worked without issue on a 2008 x64 Standard server.

    Did you download the script from Monitoring Exchange or from the post above?

  2. hey,

    I test you script on a windows 2008R2 64bit server. an i got a this error

    /etc/nagios# /usr/local/nagios/libexec/check_nrpe -H -c check_av -a 2 3
    C:Program FilesNSClient++scriptscheck_av.vbs(28, 3) Microsoft VBScript runtime error: Type mismatch: ‘Cint’

    any idears?

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